My stint with hairstyles hasnt been much.. but as far as I can remember, I have been combing for a long time now.. ;).. Throughout my engineering I was thinking of changing my hairstyle.. but didnt materialize somehow.. The opportunity came in the form of 'expenditure problem' and 'isolation from critisicm'...
The fact that a hair cut cost 8-10 dollars was too much when I landed in US... when I was striving to save every penny...(I couldnt have compromised missing climbing..). I decided I would have very few hair cuts.. Little did I know I would let it grow this long..It started with this..but later became a passion and something 'new' to try out. Along with hair, comes the problems....
Problem of drying after taking shower.. Then the problems of kids spoiling my hairstyle... Then the problem of hair being too unmanageable.. and the problem of tying a pony..and the problem of falling hair..I have had to get hairbands, rubberbands counter these problems.. I even had to buy a shower cap.. Didnt ever think ill be using one of it.. Gosh I have had threats from my roommates that they would cut my hair while I am sleeping.. I have had sleepless nights in this fear..not to mention the problem of not being able to open the car window..Also, the problem of misplacing the rubberband/hairband and looking around the whole house for it.. I dont remember how many times I have put my hair behind my ear and it keeps falling in front.. too much trouble..:P Not just this, I have run out of shampoo much quicker than earlier.. I have also become the scapegoat and getting blamed for the bathtub getting clogged.. (though it is just an accusation and no truth behind it)..
Though I have not told any tellable tales here, I just wanted to make a note that I have tried growing my hair, 'been there, done that' kind.. and now, I am finding it difficult to manage.. After 22.5% supporting my hairstyle and 78.5% not happy with it I think in public interest, it calls for a haircut..
(wondering abt the statistics??an doesnt even add up to 100% wondering how many actually verify the statistics they see on the internet..)
So, maybe once I go to India in December, ill be cutting my hair.. My sis and mother are waiting to tie a plat.. maybe once its done.. :D .Below are some pics of the transition...right from the first few days in US.. till today..
University - Aug 2006

My Birthday - Oct 2006
Phoenix - Dec 2006
Climbing - Feb 2007
Austin - Mar 2007
Las Vegas - Apr 2007
Kiran Bday - June 2007

San Antonio - Sep 2007
My Bday - Oct 2007